
ワタナベ渡塩っぱく脂っこい角煮をカツにしただけで箸で切れなかった 昼時なのに客がいない時点で気づくべきでした 何故高評価なのかわかりません 1,000円引いて丁度くらいだと思います (Translated by Google) I just cut...塩っぱく脂っこい角煮をカツにしただけで箸で切れなかった
(Translated by Google)
I just cut the salty and greasy kakuni and couldn't cut it with chopsticks.
I should have noticed when there were no customers even though it was lunchtime.
I don't understand why it's rated so high
I think it's about right after subtracting 1,000 yen. -
Manabu Yamaguchi梅里豚の上ロースカツをいただきました。ヒレを食べることが多いのですが、こちらのロースは厚切りなのに柔らかく、脂が甘くおいしかったです。 (Translated by Google) I had the upper loin cutlet of Umeri p...梅里豚の上ロースカツをいただきました。ヒレを食べることが多いのですが、こちらのロースは厚切りなのに柔らかく、脂が甘くおいしかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I had the upper loin cutlet of Umeri pork. I often eat fillet, but this loin was thickly cut but tender, and the fat was sweet and delicious. -
浜大根ヒレカツを食べたがかなり柔らか それなりの重みも有るのに柔らかく不思議な感じ オススメの箸で切れるヤツは専用のソース有るからか、普通のカツのソースは甘目 しょっぱ目の味が好きなら、レモンと塩で食うと良...ヒレカツを食べたがかなり柔らか
(Translated by Google)
I ate fillet cutlet and it was quite soft.
Although it has some weight, it feels soft and mysterious.
The recommended cutlet cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks has a special sauce, but the sauce for regular cutlet is sweet.
If you like salty taste, it would be good to eat it with lemon and salt.
Unfortunately, the free refills on rice and cabbage have ended. -
Tsuyoshi Oda
カピタン箸で切れるとの謳い文句に惹かれて訪店 箸で切れるとんかつは角煮を揚げたような感じ 赤身がほどけ柔らかいが脂身が多く結構ヘビー 残念だったのはキャベツが作り置きだったのか細く切られていたが硬い食感だった...箸で切れるとの謳い文句に惹かれて訪店
(Translated by Google)
I visited the store because I was attracted by the claim that it can be cut with chopsticks.
The pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks tastes like fried braised pork cutlet.
The red meat is loose and soft, but there is a lot of fat and it is quite heavy.
The disappointing thing was that the cabbage was probably pre-made and was cut into thin pieces, but it had a hard texture. -
ジョン万次郎注文はQRコードを読んで自分のスマホから注文するというシステム。 今回注文した厚切りロースかつは美味しかったです。思っていたより厚切りではなかったですけどね。 箸できれるとんかつは1日かけているだけあ...注文はQRコードを読んで自分のスマホから注文するというシステム。
(Translated by Google)
The ordering system is to read a QR code and order from your smartphone.
The thick-sliced loin cutlet I ordered this time was delicious. It wasn't as thickly sliced as I expected, though.
The tonkatsu was made with chopsticks over a day, so it looked delicious even though it was expensive.
I think it was a coincidence, but the customers who were eating with their mouths open were making a lot of noise, which didn't make me feel very good. It felt like a delicious meal.
It took about 10 or 15 minutes for the food to come out, which felt like a very long time. I thought it probably took a while to fry the food after receiving the order. I was able to get a car, so I got a parking ticket, but it wasn't enough. -
将央久保田豚カツ食べたいと、思ったら行くべきです。 満足度が高いと思います。 (Translated by Google) If you want to eat pork cutlet, you should go here. I think they are very satisfied.豚カツ食べたいと、思ったら行くべきです。
(Translated by Google)
If you want to eat pork cutlet, you should go here.
I think they are very satisfied. -
man fake箸で切れるとんかつはやわらかジューシーで美味しかった。柚子胡椒?がちょっとしょっぱめかなぁ (Translated by Google) The pork cutlet, which could be cut with chopsticks, was soft, juicy, and deliciou...箸で切れるとんかつはやわらかジューシーで美味しかった。柚子胡椒?がちょっとしょっぱめかなぁ
(Translated by Google)
The pork cutlet, which could be cut with chopsticks, was soft, juicy, and delicious. Yuzu pepper? I guess it's a little salty -
(Translated by Google)
I ordered ``Tonkatsu that can be cut with chopsticks'', which seems to be the signature menu and is also the name of the restaurant. I thought it was a mille-feuille-style cutlet of thinly sliced loin, but it turned out to be pork cutlet made from braised pork belly. The taste is Bimyeo. Although it is called Kakuni, it is not the so-called sweet and spicy braised Kakuni. However, it is not a tonkatsu that allows you to enjoy the flavor of pork. A neutral taste. Of course, since it's a food, there are individual likes and dislikes, so I should refrain from giving a one-sided review, but I personally feel that even if you make kakuni into cutlet, it doesn't go well with it. -
あかりなパパ奥さんと行ってみたが 隣の客が居酒屋なのか言う程大きな声で話していて注意お願いした 対応してくれたがこちらから言わずに対応して欲しかったかな あれでは美味しいものも美味しく食べられない あんなうるさく...奥さんと行ってみたが
(Translated by Google)
I went there with my wife
The customer next to me was talking so loudly that I thought it was a pub, so I asked him to be careful.
They responded, but I wish they would have responded without asking me.
You can't eat delicious food that way.
Too bad there wasn't a restaurant that felt that noisy. -
y.u箸できれるとんかつに惹かれて来店。ヒレ肉を想像していたが、角煮を揚げたものらしい。脂身も多い部位を油で揚げているので、けっこうヘビー。 味以外だと一人で訪れたところ、カウンター席に通され、それ以降に...箸できれるとんかつに惹かれて来店。ヒレ肉を想像していたが、角煮を揚げたものらしい。脂身も多い部位を油で揚げているので、けっこうヘビー。
味以外だと一人で訪れたところ、カウンター席に通され、それ以降に訪れた一人客はすべてテーブル席に通された。客を選んでいるのかな? 自分は人の通りが多いレジ横の席に座され、居心地も不愉快。あとレモンをカツにかけた後、手を拭きたかったが、紙ナプキンも無し。
(Translated by Google)
I came here because I was drawn to the tonkatsu that can be made with chopsticks. I was imagining fillet, but it seems to be fried braised pork belly. It's quite heavy because it's a fatty part that's fried in oil.
Other than the taste, when I visited alone, I was seated at the counter, and all solo customers who came after that were seated at tables. Are you choosing your customers? I was seated next to the cash register, which was a busy place, and I felt uncomfortable. I also wanted to wipe my hands after pouring lemon on the cutlet, but I didn't have any paper napkins.
The food was okay, but the service was terrible. -
KEI Y10月というのに暑い日、ランチに立ち寄りました。一時すぎだったのでゆっくりできました。Bランチ(ヒレカツ、メンチカツ、エビフライ)1200円をいただきました。お肉が柔らかくアツアツでした。スタッフも親切でし...10月というのに暑い日、ランチに立ち寄りました。一時すぎだったのでゆっくりできました。Bランチ(ヒレカツ、メンチカツ、エビフライ)1200円をいただきました。お肉が柔らかくアツアツでした。スタッフも親切でした。
(Translated by Google)
I stopped by for lunch on a hot day in October. It was just past 1 o'clock, so I was able to take it easy. I received B lunch (fillet cutlet, minced meat cutlet, and fried shrimp) for 1,200 yen. The meat was soft and piping hot. The staff were also kind. -
Cha Nae橋で切れるトンカツは角煮にカツでとても柔らかく斬新だなと思いました。味噌カツも美味しく久々に美味しいトンカツを食べれました。 お店の駐車場はないけど100円サービスチケット貰えるコインパーキングがある...橋で切れるトンカツは角煮にカツでとても柔らかく斬新だなと思いました。味噌カツも美味しく久々に美味しいトンカツを食べれました。
(Translated by Google)
I thought that the tonkatsu that was cut at the bridge was very soft and innovative with the kakuni and cutlets. The miso cutlet was also delicious, and it was the first time in a while that I had a delicious tonkatsu.
There is no parking lot at the store, but there is a coin parking lot where you can get a 100 yen service ticket, so if you are driving, please check before you go. -
三村拓美素敵なマスター、スタッフさんの対応で、絶品の梅里豚各種とんかつ、旬のアジフライを食せます。 (Translated by Google) With the help of the wonderful master and staff, you can enjoy a variety of exquis...素敵なマスター、スタッフさんの対応で、絶品の梅里豚各種とんかつ、旬のアジフライを食せます。
(Translated by Google)
With the help of the wonderful master and staff, you can enjoy a variety of exquisite Umeri pork cutlets and seasonal fried horse mackerel. -
ドリーム7個人的に、少し脂っこさが口の中に残って苦手な味でした~ (Translated by Google) Personally, I didn't like the taste as it left a bit of greasiness in my mouth.個人的に、少し脂っこさが口の中に残って苦手な味でした~
(Translated by Google)
Personally, I didn't like the taste as it left a bit of greasiness in my mouth. -
T. AMANOJR水戸駅の南口から歩いて、10分ほど(信号の待ち時間含む)の距離にあります。 18時頃に来店しましたが、待つことなく座れました。店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、カウンター席やテーブル席があるので、おひとり様でも...JR水戸駅の南口から歩いて、10分ほど(信号の待ち時間含む)の距離にあります。
(Translated by Google)
It is about a 10 minute walk from the south exit of JR Mito Station (including waiting time at traffic lights).
I arrived around 6pm and was able to sit down without waiting. The inside of the store has a calm atmosphere, and there are counter seats and table seats, so it's easy to use whether you're alone or with your family.
This time, I came to the restaurant to try the "pork cutlet that can be made with chopsticks," which is also in the name of the restaurant. However, when I looked at the menu, there was grated natto cutlet, and when I thought of Mito, I thought of natto, so I ordered the ``Grated natto loin cutlet set.'' You can place your order by scanning a QR code, so you can call the staff. It's convenient and not necessary.
The tonkatsu was delicious, but since there was no mesh, the dressing made it soggy... Refills of rice and cabbage are available.
If I come to the area, I would like to visit again. -
S.Sランチでお邪魔しました。 先ずはメニュー見て、そのお値段に場違いなとこに来てしまったと思いつつも、お手頃(ランチ枠の中の上)なセットをお願いしました。ビクビクしながらも有難い程の接客&お腹一杯できま...ランチでお邪魔しました。
(Translated by Google)
I stopped by for lunch.
First, I looked at the menu, and although I thought I had come to the wrong place for the price, I ordered a reasonably priced set (above the lunch limit). Although I was nervous, I was grateful for the customer service and was able to eat my fill, but considering the overall situation (especially the taste), I think I'll go to a different restaurant... -
しょう平日ランチに1人で訪問しました。 厚切りロースカツ丼(ランチ1200円)をいただきました。 12時15分頃に到着したところほぼ満席でした。 座席数は多くなくキャパは20人弱。 以前土日に伺った際は法事貸切で入れま...平日ランチに1人で訪問しました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited alone for lunch on a weekday.
I had the thick-sliced loin cutlet bowl (lunch 1,200 yen).
When we arrived around 12:15, the place was almost full.
There are not many seats and the capacity is less than 20 people.
Please note that the last time I visited on Saturday and Sunday, I could not enter because it was reserved for a memorial service.
It is said to be a ``tojinai katsudon,'' which has an egg seasoned like a soup stock on top of the rice, and a cutlet on top. Comes with miso soup and pickles.
Thick-sliced loin is a little difficult to chew due to its thickness. Even though it's a katsudon, it's oily because it's not cooked with the egg. The soup stock tasted like a book and was cheap and not to my liking.
It's a shame that it doesn't taste good considering the price.
I'd like to try the cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks at least once, so I think I'll visit again someday, but I don't think I'll order the thick-sliced loin cutlet bowl again. -
岡本芳則【箸できれるとんかつのお店 みねお】 車は、隣りのコイン🅿️に駐車しました🚙 お店の人に言うと100円割引券もらえます。 女性店員さん3名で切り盛りしています。 QRコード読み込んでスマホで注文スタイル。 箸で...【箸できれるとんかつのお店 みねお】
(Translated by Google)
[Mineo, a tonkatsu shop where you can make pork cutlets with chopsticks]
The car was parked at the coin 🅿️ next door 🚙
If you tell the staff at the store, you will receive a 100 yen discount coupon.
The restaurant is managed by three female employees.
Read the QR code and order using your smartphone.
Pork cutlets that can be made with chopsticks are a bit expensive.
Loin cutlet set meal
Thick, soft and delicious😋
Fried chicken set meal
It was delicious 😋
I am grateful that I get free refills of cabbage and rice 🙇♂️
But unfortunately the rice was soft🥲
Delicious pickled cucumbers😋
Fried octopus
Nice as an accompaniment to alcohol 🍻
Thank you for the delicious lunch🙇♂️
Next time, try fried shrimp 💪
(2024.5.26) -
MNB EBSWとんかつのお店ですがアジフライや唐揚げなどのメニューもある。ご飯お代わり、キャベツのお代わり無料なのは有り難い。 (Translated by Google) It's a pork cutlet restaurant, but they also have fried hors...とんかつのお店ですがアジフライや唐揚げなどのメニューもある。ご飯お代わり、キャベツのお代わり無料なのは有り難い。
(Translated by Google)
It's a pork cutlet restaurant, but they also have fried horse mackerel and fried chicken on the menu. I appreciate that you get free refills of rice and cabbage. -
Naokazu Okuyama夕飯処を探してフラッと来店。 おすすめっぽい梅香るおろしとんかつ定食を注文。 梅おろしのままでも、お好みでポン酢をかけても美味しく食べられました。 みねおの語源も気になりますので、また水戸に来た際に...夕飯処を探してフラッと来店。
(Translated by Google)
I stopped by looking for a place to eat dinner.
I ordered the recommended plum-flavored grated tonkatsu set meal.
It was delicious to eat either with grated plums or with ponzu sauce if you like.
I'm also curious about the etymology of Mineo, so I'd like to come back when I come to Mito again. -
S S初来店。 特段突出してこれだってのはありませんが、とんかつにハズレはあまりありませんかね。 ただご飯が古い物だったのか、ぬるいし艶もなく残念だった。 (Translated by Google) First visit. There's nothi...初来店。
(Translated by Google)
First visit.
There's nothing particularly outstanding about it, but I don't think there's much that goes wrong with tonkatsu.
Unfortunately, perhaps because the rice was old, it was lukewarm and lackluster. -
Sam SamTrès bon restaurant et très bon accueil. (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant and very warm welcome.Très bon restaurant et très bon accueil. (Translated by Google) Very good restaurant and very warm welcome.
Saki Kimijima箸で切れるとんかつがとても美味しくてやみつきです! 何度もお店に通っています。 とんかつ定食やかつ丼などテイクアウトの利用も便利です。 スタッフさんは丁寧でお店の雰囲気も良く、コインパーキングも提携さ...箸で切れるとんかつがとても美味しくてやみつきです!
(Translated by Google)
The tonkatsu that you can cut with chopsticks is so delicious that you'll be addicted to it!
I've been to the store many times.
It is also convenient to order take-out items such as tonkatsu set meals and katsudon.
The staff are polite and the store has a nice atmosphere, and I'm glad that they have a coin parking lot.
I also used it for a banquet with 6 classmates.
There were some small children, but we had horigotatsu seats so it was very comfortable!
The photo shows a Tojinai loin cutlet bowl that is innovative, Instagrammable, and delicious. -
Haяu Orzとじないロースカツ丼 (Translated by Google) Unfinished loin cutlet bowlとじないロースカツ丼
(Translated by Google)
Unfinished loin cutlet bowl -
小林里美初めて食べました!!! 梅トンカツ めっちゃくちゃ美味しかったです🐖🦴 また行きまーす🥢 (Translated by Google) I ate it for the first time! ! ! Plum pork cutlet It was so delicious🐖🦴 I will go again🥢初めて食べました!!!
(Translated by Google)
I ate it for the first time! ! !
Plum pork cutlet
It was so delicious🐖🦴
I will go again🥢 -
ちゃま会社の打ち上げで水戸でとんかつが食べたいという話になり水戸駅で電車を降りて南口から歩くこと数分の所で偶然お店を見つけて入店しました。 他に検索してヒットしたお店がありましたが、物は試しで入ってみよう...会社の打ち上げで水戸でとんかつが食べたいという話になり水戸駅で電車を降りて南口から歩くこと数分の所で偶然お店を見つけて入店しました。
(Translated by Google)
I was talking about wanting to eat tonkatsu in Mito for a company event, so I got off the train at Mito Station, and happened to find a restaurant a few minutes walk from the south exit.
There was another store that came up on my search, but I decided to try it out and decided to try it out. The result was very correct.
The cutlet was soft and really delicious. All my colleagues were satisfied.
Although it was a little far away, it was a store that I would like to use again.
If you want to eat delicious tonkatsu near Mito Station, come check it out! -
T aozora
jun k
ヤマケン脂身なしのカチカチの角煮っぽいものを揚げた感じの謎の食べ物でした。 箸で切れない。 普通のトンカツ食べた方がいいです。 店員さん、お店の雰囲気は良いです。 (Translated by Google) It was a mysterious f...脂身なしのカチカチの角煮っぽいものを揚げた感じの謎の食べ物でした。
(Translated by Google)
It was a mysterious food that looked like fried chewy braised meat with no fat.
I can't cut it with chopsticks.
It's better to eat regular tonkatsu.
The staff and the store have a nice atmosphere. -
白田秀昭トンカツも美味いしカキフライも美味しかった😋お店の雰囲気もいい感じでした。 1人でも来やすいお店ですね(*^^*) (Translated by Google) The pork cutlet was delicious and the fried oysters were delicious ...トンカツも美味いしカキフライも美味しかった😋お店の雰囲気もいい感じでした。
(Translated by Google)
The pork cutlet was delicious and the fried oysters were delicious as well.The atmosphere of the restaurant was also nice.
It's a shop that is easy to come by even by yourself (*^^*) -
悠斗Celsior*店舗駐車場なし。 すぐ隣にコインパーキングがあります。 ※30分100円。提携サービスなし 店名にもなっている箸で切れるとんかつ。 食べてみないわけにも行かないので注文して食べました。 ○箸で切れるとんか...*店舗駐車場なし。
(Translated by Google)
*No store parking lot.
There is a coin parking lot right next door.
*30 minutes 100 yen. No affiliated services
Tonkatsu that can be cut with chopsticks, which is also the name of the restaurant.
I couldn't afford not to try it, so I ordered it and ate it.
○ Pork cutlet set meal that can be cut with chopsticks ¥2,000
To put it simply, it's braised cutlet.
Meat that has been thoroughly stewed and becomes soft and fluffy.
Crispy on the outside.
It's delicious. It's very delicious.
It's delicious, but it's expensive and the quantity is small.
This is often served at tonkatsu restaurants in the prefecture.
I think it would be better to eat a small brand cutlet such as Bimei pork, which would be more delicious and filling both the stomach and the heart.
(Was it helpful?) -
Hiro F
(Translated by Google)
I stopped by when I saw the signboard, but I guess it's more like a tonkatsu that can be loosened with chopsticks than a tonkatsu that can be cut with chopsticks. In the end, it's not that the meat is tender, it's just that the kakuni is made into even more tonkatsu. Moreover, the rice, which is the basics of tonkatsu restaurants, is old, probably because it was cooked in large quantities for lunch, and the miso soup and stew soup.
If the survival of your restaurant is at stake, you should serve the basic rice and miso soup freshly cooked. This cost 2200 yen💦It was better to eat tonkatsu at Katsuya in terms of cost performance and taste. It may seem harsh, but the store owner should think about it. -
Kazumi Ogahara私の印象ですが角煮をとんかつにした食べ物だと思います。 (Translated by Google) My impression is that it is a tonkatsu made from kakuni.私の印象ですが角煮をとんかつにした食べ物だと思います。
(Translated by Google)
My impression is that it is a tonkatsu made from kakuni. -
sojiro 3733回ほど利用させていただいてますが いつも変わらぬ美味しさとサービスです。 また、来ます! (Translated by Google) I have used it about 3 times. The deliciousness and service are always the same. I'll...3回ほど利用させていただいてますが
(Translated by Google)
I have used it about 3 times.
The deliciousness and service are always the same.
I'll come back later! -
(Translated by Google)
Does it have a more upscale atmosphere? I was hesitant to go because I thought it would be a nuisance to bring my two noisy children with me, but my husband really wanted to go, so I decided to take the plunge.
The morning session was about to close, and there was only one couple in attendance, but the children were still making a lot of noise in the tatami room. I looked at the menu and ordered while thinking, "I'm sorry." (Ordering on a smartphone is saved and helps!)
Despite the noisy child, your wife's wife? Thank you very much for the kind person who greeted me with a smile.
People with small children are really careful of those around them, so they sometimes look like they're bothering me in public places, but I can't thank them enough when they smile at me.
The food was also very delicious!
My husband was freaked out by the richness of the yam! lol
The Ochazuke soup was also great (;o;)
My husband ordered pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks.
I ordered normal pork cutlet.
Both were delicious.
It may not be the pattern of the store, but I thought it would be nice to have a plate for children! Sorry for being selfish. lol
I think restaurants that cater to families are strong.
I will visit you again★ -
N O酒の提供遅い、お米が不味い (Translated by Google) Sake service is slow, rice tastes bad酒の提供遅い、お米が不味い
(Translated by Google)
Sake service is slow, rice tastes bad -
サンシャインさとし◾️20230925ロースカツに出汁茶漬けセットを注文。ロース肉の脂部分が想定していたものより少なかった。 (Translated by Google) ◾️20230925 Ordered roast cutlet and dashi chazuke set. The fat part of the l...◾️20230925ロースカツに出汁茶漬けセットを注文。ロース肉の脂部分が想定していたものより少なかった。
(Translated by Google)
◾️20230925 Ordered roast cutlet and dashi chazuke set. The fat part of the loin was less than expected. -
Hiroshi Koizumi
まだお箸で切れるが気になり来店。 箸で切れる豚カツは角煮を豚カツにしたような感じ。 柔らかくて美味しく、これまでに食べたことのない斬新なお味でした。 美味しいのですが、胃もたれが心配な方は箸で切れる豚カツが...箸で切れるが気になり来店。
(Translated by Google)
I came to the store because I was worried that I could cut it with chopsticks.
The pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks is like a pork cutlet made from braised pork.
It was soft, delicious, and had a unique taste that I had never had before.
It's delicious, but if you're worried about your stomach being heavy, you might prefer one pork cutlet rather than two that can be cut with chopsticks.
All of the side menus were delicious and satisfying. I should have ordered Ochazuke...
There is one point of caution.
Please note that there is no parking lot, so you will need to use a nearby parking lot.
Next time I would like to try the regular pork cutlet. -
けけた2023年9月 箸できれるとんかつ+エビ定食¥2530 衣の中は豚角煮です。値段は高めかな。店舗の駐車場はないようです。 (Translated by Google) September 2023 Pork cutlet + shrimp set meal made with chopsticks...2023年9月
(Translated by Google)
September 2023
Pork cutlet + shrimp set meal made with chopsticks ¥2530
Inside the batter is braised pork. I guess the price is high. There seems to be no parking lot at the store. -
岡山寛予約なしでしたが、無事入店できました。 注文はQRコードで読み込んでメニューを選んで注文送信するというものでした。時代の最先端って感じでした。 水戸なのであえて納豆のせ豚カツにしました。他に、山芋と厚...予約なしでしたが、無事入店できました。
(Translated by Google)
I didn't have a reservation, but I was able to enter the store without any problems.
To order, scan a QR code, select a menu, and submit your order. It felt like it was at the cutting edge of its time.
Since it's Mito, I chose the pork cutlet topped with natto. I also ordered yams and thick fried eggs.
I was worried because I didn't hear anything after ordering, but it arrived just fine.
It was very delicious. I got full halfway through the meal and couldn't eat the cabbage. -
ドクロべー箸で切れた🎵 優しい店員さん! (Translated by Google) I cut it with chopsticks🎵 Friendly clerk!箸で切れた🎵
(Translated by Google)
I cut it with chopsticks🎵
Friendly clerk! -
SAS TOSHI箸で切れるトンカツと謳っているが、煮込んだ豚肉を揚げています。 豚の角煮を衣を付けて揚げている感覚です。。 もちろん、角煮とは違う味付けとなっていますが、決して肉そのものが箸で切れるほど柔いわけでは...箸で切れるトンカツと謳っているが、煮込んだ豚肉を揚げています。
(Translated by Google)
Although it is advertised as a pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks, it is made from stewed pork that is deep-fried.
It's like coating braised pork and frying it. .
Of course, the seasoning is different from kakuni, but the meat itself is not so tender that you can cut it with chopsticks.
When the restaurant first opened, customers were lined up, but now there are often empty seats even during lunch time.
After all, although they use good quality meat, most customers are looking for regular pork cutlet.
And the price is high... -
きょうかとてもおいしかったです! (Translated by Google) It was very delicious!とてもおいしかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was very delicious! -
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a katsudon with thickly-sliced loin cutlet. The thickness of the cutlet felt a little too thin to be considered thick. My impressions after eating it were that it was neither strong nor thin, and had a very normal flavor. Only the miso soup was salty. I've eaten katsudon in many places, and the price was 1,430 yen, which is similar to what you'd find at a tourist spot, but at most it was 1,100 yen including tax, so it was the kind of katsudon I thought it was. Thank you for the meal. -
Take4 Sal
袴塚健司昼間行き、2杯くらい飲んで定食食べます。 どれ食べてもハズレなし。つまみ、定食どれも旨し。対応も全て😃✌️ (Translated by Google) I go during the day, have about 2 drinks, and eat a set meal. You can't...昼間行き、2杯くらい飲んで定食食べます。
(Translated by Google)
I go during the day, have about 2 drinks, and eat a set meal.
You can't go wrong no matter what you eat. The snacks and set meals are all delicious. All correspondence 😃✌️ -
Kani Kani
bites white箸で切れるとんかつが気になって来店。麦とろ定食を注文。箸で切れるというかほぐれる。写真のとおりで角煮を下茹で段階でとんかつにした感じ。角煮なので当然ながら、脂がかなり多いので年輩の方は普通のカツを...箸で切れるとんかつが気になって来店。麦とろ定食を注文。箸で切れるというかほぐれる。写真のとおりで角煮を下茹で段階でとんかつにした感じ。角煮なので当然ながら、脂がかなり多いので年輩の方は普通のカツを選んだほうが無難かも。揚がり具合はさくさくで、とろろも濃厚、キャベツふわふわでお仕事が丁寧。だし汁等で味変が色々できて楽しかった。キャベツとご飯のお代わりを聞いてくれるのも好印象。
(Translated by Google)
I came here because I was curious about the pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks. I ordered the barley toro set meal. You can cut it with chopsticks or rather loosen it. As you can see in the photo, it looks like pork cutlet is made from kakuni at the pre-boiling stage. Since it's braised pork cutlet, it naturally has a lot of fat, so if you're an older person, it might be better to choose a regular cutlet. The fried chicken is crispy, the grated yam is rich, the cabbage is fluffy, and the work is done carefully. It was fun to be able to change the taste in various ways with the dashi stock etc. I was also impressed by the fact that they asked for refills of cabbage and rice.
good points
・The store staff are smiling and pleasant.
・You can eat a rare item called braised pork cutlet.
・The grated yam is thick and sticky.
・Cashless compatible
Points to note
・No parking lot
・The pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks is delicious, but the meat is about one-third to half fat, so if you don't like greasy food, it's better to have a regular pork cutlet.
(It's a good fat that doesn't smell at all, so it's recommended for people who love the fat in tonkatsu. I think it's also delicious to add the fat to dashi chazuke.) -
Tomoaki Ikariごはん、キャベツおかわりできます。 女性の店員の方の心配りが良かったです。 (Translated by Google) You can get a second helping of rice and cabbage. The female clerk was very considerate.ごはん、キャベツおかわりできます。
(Translated by Google)
You can get a second helping of rice and cabbage.
The female clerk was very considerate. -
後藤綾子夜うかがって、美味しいとんかつで🍺ができるのが嬉しいお店です (Translated by Google) It's a great place to go at night and enjoy delicious tonkatsu 🍺.夜うかがって、美味しいとんかつで🍺ができるのが嬉しいお店です
(Translated by Google)
It's a great place to go at night and enjoy delicious tonkatsu 🍺. -
Elaine Pang肉很原型,過去比較少有這樣的體驗 咖哩很好吃 一不小心吃光光飽到天靈蓋 (Translated by Google) The meat is very original. I have rarely had such an experience in the past. Curry is delicious I acciden...肉很原型,過去比較少有這樣的體驗
一不小心吃光光飽到天靈蓋 (Translated by Google) The meat is very original. I have rarely had such an experience in the past.
Curry is delicious
I accidentally ate all my food and was so full that I was full
H Wahaha悩ましいメニュー群と価格帯を前にそこそこ長考しましたが麦とろに後ろ髪を引かれつつ味噌カツ定食をチョイス 定食のご飯は基本的に全て麦飯なのかな?とんかつ店ではよくありますがご飯キャベツはおかわり無料で...悩ましいメニュー群と価格帯を前にそこそこ長考しましたが麦とろに後ろ髪を引かれつつ味噌カツ定食をチョイス
(Translated by Google)
I thought long and hard about the menu and price range, but I was reluctant to go for the miso cutlet set meal.
Is all the rice in the set meal basically barley rice? As is often the case at tonkatsu restaurants, refills of rice and cabbage are free.
The miso is excellent and the rice is Susumukun!
It was a set meal of loin cutlet with normal seasoning, but the sauce that came with it seemed to be on the small side.
Can I get it if I say it?
I'm curious about the name and origin of the shop. -
Sみーふー(onsi-)お店が全面に出している箸できれるとんかつ を食べました!ここでしか食べられないというのはこのことですね✨ チャーシューのようなほろほろしたお肉を揚げた新しい形のトンカツです。 厚切りロースカツもありま...お店が全面に出している箸できれるとんかつ
(Translated by Google)
Tonkatsu that can be made with chopsticks is displayed on the entire surface of the restaurant.
I ate it! This means that you can only eat it here ✨
This is a new type of tonkatsu made with fried pork cutlet.
There is also thick-sliced loin cutlet, but that's something I'm looking forward to next time.
After eating the tonkatsu, you get Ochazuke soup, but I replaced the rice with Ochazuke.
The soup stock works well and it's super delicious! !
I want to go again soon🥹
One thing I would like to say is that it may not be the right thing to go there just because you want to eat a lot of meat. .
It’s really a new type of tonkatsu 😀 lol
You can get unlimited refills of rice and cabbage, so you'll be full! -
佐藤崇登志確かに物は美味しいし、味はかなり良かった。敷いて言うなら値段は高めなので大勢で行くよりは❔少数で行って食べたりする方が割りかし向いてる用な気がする❔ 後駐車場はパーキングしかない (Translated by Goog...確かに物は美味しいし、味はかなり良かった。敷いて言うなら値段は高めなので大勢で行くよりは❔少数で行って食べたりする方が割りかし向いてる用な気がする❔
(Translated by Google)
The food was certainly delicious and the taste was quite good. To put it simply, the prices are high, so I think it's better to go and eat in a small group rather than in a large group.
There is only parking available in the rear parking lot. -
ちょこぼお箸で切れるとんかつ‼️今まで経験したことのない柔らかさと美味しさ‼️ 加えて、とろろ、だし汁でいただく麦飯も絶品‼️これを食べずに死ななくて良かった(^o^;) (Translated by Google) Tonkatsu that can be cu...お箸で切れるとんかつ‼️今まで経験したことのない柔らかさと美味しさ‼️
(Translated by Google)
Tonkatsu that can be cut with chopsticks! ️ Softness and deliciousness that I have never experienced before!! ️
In addition, the barley rice served with grated yam and dashi soup is also delicious! ️I'm glad I didn't die without eating this (^o^;) -
Rock Enzoとても美味しかった。 食材がとても良かったです。 キャベツも細かく刻まれていて好みでした。 トロロは自然薯を摩って出汁を加えていないのでかなり弾力があり、醤油かけても混ざりませんがシンプルに美味い。 ...とても美味しかった。
(Translated by Google)
It was very delicious.
The ingredients were very good.
The cabbage was also finely chopped and I liked it.
Tororo is made by grinding the Japanese yam without adding any dashi stock, so it's quite chewy, and it doesn't mix well even with soy sauce, but it's simply delicious.
The flavor of the dashi soup that was poured over the rice was exquisite, and even though I didn't add any toppings such as seaweed or sesame seeds, it was delicious.
All of the seasonings are delicious and the staff's customer service is very good and I think this is an amazing restaurant.
However, I ordered the restaurant's recommended pork cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks, which is not a bowl, but to be honest, it is either melty braised pork or thickly sliced pork cutlet coated in batter and fried. As for the taste, I was surprised because it was seasoned differently than regular tonkatsu, and the combination with wasabi was amazing, as it was the first time I had tasted it. However, although it is not wrong to eat pork cutlet, it is completely different from regular pork cutlet, so if you are planning to eat pork cutlet, you will have a complicated feeling, so be prepared.
Since it's so delicious, I thought it would be a good idea to give it a new name instead of calling it tonkatsu. That's the only thing that stuck with me and I didn't feel like repeating it, so I deducted one star.
If it was served in a bowl, I might have a different impression.
In short, it's super delicious and the staff is great, but it looks like a fake tonkatsu and the taste and texture are completely different from tonkatsu. -
M Toshitam厚切りとんかつとエビフライのセットを食べました。 ライス、キャベツはお替り自由だと言っていましたが、トンカツのボリュームが凄くて、お替りできませんでした。厚切りなのに程よいバランスでアッサリしていて...厚切りとんかつとエビフライのセットを食べました。
翌日は箸で切れる 閉じないかつ丼を食べました。
(Translated by Google)
I had a set of thick-sliced tonkatsu and fried shrimp.
I was told that I could have free refills of rice and cabbage, but the pork cutlet was so large that I couldn't get any. Even though it's thickly sliced, it has just the right amount of flavor and is very satisfying with plenty of sauce to suit your taste. The fried shrimp was a little larger and came with tartar sauce, so I enjoyed the different flavors, one with the sauce and one with the tartar.
The next day, I ate a katsudon that doesn't close and can be cut with chopsticks.
My expectations were betrayed in a good way.
Both are just under 2000 yen, which is expensive for lunch.
If I have a chance to go to the area, I would like to go there again. -
kei nインスタで見てたので 娘の所へ行った時寄ってみました♪ 確かにお箸で切れます🥢 が 少し考えていたのとは違った様な😣 美味しかったですけどね。。 (Translated by Google) I saw it on Instagram I stopped by ...インスタで見てたので
(Translated by Google)
I saw it on Instagram
I stopped by when I went to my daughter's place♪
You can certainly cut it with chopsticks 🥢
It seems a little different from what I was thinking 😣
It was delicious though. . -
Chang Rubrum
kousuke nakamura
Tak Takとても美味しかった。 オススメです。 接客も丁寧で良かったです また来たいと思った😆 (Translated by Google) It was very delicious. Recommended. Customer service was also polite and good. I wanted to c...とても美味しかった。
(Translated by Google)
It was very delicious.
Customer service was also polite and good.
I wanted to come again 😆 -
Kayon tezuおいしいです。出張で一人で入店しましたが、違和感なくお食事できました。売り文句でない 普通のロースかつをいただきましたが、ちょうどいい感じの揚げぐあい。とろろは自然薯ですかなね。箸で持ち上がる濃厚...おいしいです。出張で一人で入店しましたが、違和感なくお食事できました。売り文句でない 普通のロースかつをいただきましたが、ちょうどいい感じの揚げぐあい。とろろは自然薯ですかなね。箸で持ち上がる濃厚さ。最後は和風出汁をお願いしてさっぱりとお茶漬けをすすって終了。品質を考えるとかなりお手頃でしょう。店員さんも、さりげなく声をかけてくれていいですね。また行きたいお店です。
(Translated by Google)
It's delicious. I went here alone on a business trip, and I was able to enjoy my meal without feeling out of place. I had the regular pork loin cutlet, which is not a sales pitch, but it was fried just right. I guess yam is Japanese yam. Richness that can be lifted with chopsticks. At the end, I ordered some Japanese-style soup stock and finished off with a refreshing sip of Ochazuke. It's quite affordable considering the quality. It's nice that the store staff casually greets me as well. This is a store I would like to visit again. -
キングテレサ箸で切れるトンカツとありますがトンカツではない。 かなり脂っこいので注意が必要です。 トンカツと呼べるのか微妙です。 (Translated by Google) Although it says that you can cut tonkatsu with chopsticks...箸で切れるトンカツとありますがトンカツではない。
(Translated by Google)
Although it says that you can cut tonkatsu with chopsticks, it is not tonkatsu.
It's quite greasy so be careful.
I'm not sure if it can be called tonkatsu. -
ta k.
あげせん(じゅんぼう)初めて行きましたが美味しかった❤️ カツの柔らかさはマジハンパないです🎵 自分へのご褒美飯でもまた行きたいです (Translated by Google) It was my first time there and it was delicious ❤️ The softness of ...初めて行きましたが美味しかった❤️
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time there and it was delicious ❤️
The softness of the cutlet is unbelievable🎵
I want to go again for a reward meal for myself. -
vermilionspice箸で切れる‼️より、とろけるとんかつ‼️❗️ (Translated by Google) You can cut it with chopsticks! ️ Melting pork cutlet!! ️❗️箸で切れる‼️より、とろけるとんかつ‼️❗️
(Translated by Google)
You can cut it with chopsticks! ️ Melting pork cutlet!! ️❗️ -
under ground
高野倫徳ロースとんかつ美味しくいただきました😊 (Translated by Google) The pork loin cutlet was delicious😊ロースとんかつ美味しくいただきました😊
(Translated by Google)
The pork loin cutlet was delicious😊 -
ChungCheng Liao我是台灣人,2023 /03/16,我單獨一個人到水戶旅行,選擇這家新開的餐廳吃晚餐,吃了一份炸豬排定食,非常好吃,雖然我不會講日語,但是服務人員非常親切,讓我留下非常美好的回憶。 因為我是外國人,服務人員還...我是台灣人,2023 /03/16,我單獨一個人到水戶旅行,選擇這家新開的餐廳吃晚餐,吃了一份炸豬排定食,非常好吃,雖然我不會講日語,但是服務人員非常親切,讓我留下非常美好的回憶。
若是未來有機會再來水戶,希望有機會可以再來這家餐廳用餐。 (Translated by Google) I am Taiwanese. I traveled to Mito alone on March 16, 2023. I chose this newly opened restaurant for dinner and had a fried pork cutlet set meal. It was very delicious. Although I can’t speak Japanese, The service staff were very kind and left me with very good memories.
Because I am a foreigner, the service staff specially prepared delicious chazuke rice for me, which moved me very much.
If I have the opportunity to come to Mito again in the future, I hope to have the opportunity to dine at this restaurant again.
佐川勝仁カツカレー食べました。 お肉が柔らかい。 (Translated by Google) I ate cutlet curry. The meat is soft.カツカレー食べました。
(Translated by Google)
I ate cutlet curry.
The meat is soft. -
戸井田真美とっても美味しかったです😊 (Translated by Google) It was very delicious 😊とっても美味しかったです😊
(Translated by Google)
It was very delicious 😊 -
荒蒔篤嗣ご飯は美味しく、定員さんの対応も親切でした!また食べに行きます!ありがとうございました😊 (Translated by Google) The food was delicious and the staff was kind! I will go eat there again! Thank you v...ご飯は美味しく、定員さんの対応も親切でした!また食べに行きます!ありがとうございました😊
(Translated by Google)
The food was delicious and the staff was kind! I will go eat there again! Thank you very much 😊 -
かさなきよお箸で切れるとんかつを頼みました。 お箸で切るには少し力が必要です笑 味は美味しかったのですが、トンカツというよりはトンカツと角煮の間のようなものを衣で包んだ感じです。 柚子胡椒やわさび、大根おろし...お箸で切れるとんかつを頼みました。
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a pork cutlet that could be cut with chopsticks.
You need a little strength to cut it with chopsticks lol
The taste was delicious, but rather than a tonkatsu, it felt like something between a tonkatsu and a kakuni (braised pork cutlet) wrapped in batter.
There are many variations to enjoy, such as yuzu pepper, wasabi, and grated radish.
Perhaps I set the bar too high for myself, but I wasn't impressed.
Delicious things are delicious♪ -
k t (kkkk)煮込んだ肉に衣をつけて揚げているとのこと。 箸で切れるけど歯応えがあります。ビーフシチューのように口の中で解けるような柔らかさではありません。 個人的には普通のロースカツの方が好みかも。 オーダーはQR...煮込んだ肉に衣をつけて揚げているとのこと。
(Translated by Google)
It is said that the stewed meat is coated and fried.
You can cut it with chopsticks, but it's chewy. It's not so soft that it melts in your mouth like beef stew.
Personally, I might prefer regular loin cutlet.
Orders are made by scanning a QR code.
There is no parking lot, so go to the coin parking lot next door.
I think the customer service is good. -
くるくる(CLCL)ランチにうかがいました。 12時台は混雑、13時台もまだ盛況でした。 提供はそこまで時間はかかりませんでしたが、おかわりもあり、食べるのに時間がかかるかもしれません。時間のない方はご注意ください。 箸でき...ランチにうかがいました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch.
It was crowded at 12:00 and still busy at 13:00.
It didn't take that long to be served, but there were refills, so it might take a while to eat. Please be careful if you don't have time.
Tonkatsu that can be made with chopsticks is really soft. -
C Kオープン初日、麦とろ定食(箸で切れる)をいただきました! テーブル毎にQRコードを利用してスマホで注文するようです。 お箸でさっくりと切れるお肉は食べるとホロホロ、しっかり豚肉の味と香りがしますが、後...オープン初日、麦とろ定食(箸で切れる)をいただきました!
(Translated by Google)
On the first day of opening, we had the Mugi Toro set meal (you can cut it with chopsticks)!
It seems like you order on your smartphone using a QR code at each table.
When you eat the meat, which can be easily cut with chopsticks, it has a firm pork taste and aroma, but the aftertaste is refreshing.
One stick-shaped pork cutlet and one flat pork cutlet. Stick-shaped ones are light, while flat ones are fatty. The fat will melt in your mouth. It was delicious without being overwhelming.
The yam was firm enough to be held with chopsticks, and it was very filling and delicious. Those who prefer smooth yam may be a little surprised.
Since it was the first day of opening, it took a while for the food to be served. If you're stopping by for a limited time, such as during your lunch break at work, it's probably best to order as soon as you're seated.
I think this will improve after a while.
It was delicious, so I would like to try the katsudon and cutlet curry again next time! -
Pres. TKお箸できれるとんかつでした! 卵でとじないカツ丼を頼みましたが、カツは塩ゆでしてから揚げているようなので、味もついてます 味がたりない場合は醤油をたらしてもよいかな、、、と感じました カツはやわら...お箸できれるとんかつでした!
(Translated by Google)
It was a tonkatsu that you can use with chopsticks!
I ordered a katsudon without egg, but the cutlet seems to be boiled in salt and then fried, so it has a lot of flavor.
I thought it would be okay to add soy sauce if it doesn't taste good.
The cutlet was soft and the rice was ample, so it was delicious and filling.
I would like to go there again and try the barley toro set meal next time as it looked delicious.